Bedford Parks & Recreation Department
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Cardio Drumming Register View Cart

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Cardio Drumming is an engaging and low impact full body workout that focuses on movement and drumming to the rhythm of music that promotes cardiovascular health. The instructor will lead you through choreographed movements and drumming hits focusing on core stability, upper and lower body strengthening, endurance, and improved range of motion and balance. 

Instructor: Kim Fennell, Rec2Connect
Location: Ellenwood Center Room 4
Time: 12:00 pm—1:00 pm

Bedford Senior Club Members are free and must register in advance 

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Cardio Drumming Winter Session 
60y and up N/A 01/10/2025 - 05/30/2025
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Ellenwood Center - Gymnasium
$40.00 Res, $50.00 Non-Res
This class is bi-monthly and alternates with another Rec2Connect program. Must register for both classes if wanting to attend programs weekly.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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